Preparamos você para o mais respeitável teste de proficiência em Inglês
O TOEFL IBT avalia sua habilidade de entender e usar o seu inglês. A qualificação TOEFL abre portas para grandes oportunidades de negócio...
Os nossos especialistas em idiomas irão traduzir instantaneamente entre Português e Inglês as suas reuniões, conferências, palestras, treinamentos ...
Brazil is near-impossible to navigate without a robust understanding of Portuguese. Let our skilled and experienced teachers guide you through vocabulary, grammar, expressions and more, with practical lessons...
A Mizarelli Productions está organizando uma campanha para fornecer material escolar para os estudantes locais em necessidade.
Estamos coletando doações para fornecer material educacional à Escola União das ...
Hello students!
May will be here on Friday and we all know that means, Labor Day!!!!
In observance of the holiday we will be closed. This week your teachers will be making sure you are all on top of...
Hello students!
That's right! We began the week right when you did! Many of us had the opportunity to relax on Monday and Tuesday, now it is time to get back to work. Well, that only applies to some of us as T...
Hello students!
It's already the middle of April and before we know it Christmas bells will be ringing.
Those of you that need to catch up on any past due work should use the holiday to do so.
Also, please...
Hello students!
We are approaching a time of the year when we have a lot of holidays, please remember to set aside time for your work. It is imperative to complete the assignments before class.
Hello students!
Let's work hard as we have two full weeks before our next break.
During Carnival we will be closed on Feb 16th, 17th and and 18th (for half a day).
Let's get going as we have a lo...
Dispomos de equipe de profissionais nativos com certificado TOEFL e MBAS.
Ao contrário de outras escolas do Rio de Janeiro, os professores da Mizarelli Productions possuem o Certificado TOEFL, são nativo...